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Bri's Weekly Top Three 1.6.17
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onThis week we are all fortunate enough to have products that don't follow a single theme, since I've worked with several across several fields in the past couple weeks. This week there's little something for everyone. Or maybe a lot of things for someone, depending on your preferences.
Since Valentines day doesn't fall that far from the new year (it's 2017 already, I can't believe it), I'll start us off with a heart themed item. This is another one of Midlee's exceedingly comfortable lightweight acrylic sweaters, that I really wish there was a human version for. It's knit in a classy heather gray with a red heart swooping across the back. I liked it because compared to a lot of Valentines-ish items, it's pretty understated. It's not entirely pinks, purples, and reds, and there's only one heart knit as an outline as opposed to a filled shape, which might've gotten obnoxious. I could actually be worn year round, and I don't think anyone would bat an eye-other than to tell you how lovely your pet it, of course.
With any outfit you need an accessory, and what's classier than a designer handbag? A parody plush toy of a designer handbag, of course. Chew Vuiton (actually its Haute Diggity Dog) has released a classy plush purse in shades of tan. There's a checkered design on the bag itself while the handle and lining are a contrasting tan hue. To make sure you know its the real deal there's even a 'Chewy Vuiton' embroidered label that states is Parisian origin and inspiration. The only thing this purse holds is the only thing a dog needs with them at all times-a sqeaker. The handle makes it easy for you to toss and pets to carry, so there's lots of fun to be had with this handbag.
But what use is all the fashion in the world if you can't keep those pesky tear stains away and ruin the whole look? Thankfully TropiClean is producing a facial cleanser that smells delicious (blueberries and vanilla), has all natural ingredients, and is a gentle way to remove tear stains from your pet's fur without irritating their eyes. It sounds lavish, and it is.
Maybe I did have a theme after all, it wasn't the intention, though. We'll see if the same thing happens next week Enjoy your weekend!